Retinol (vitamin A1) is a dietary and skin care supplement found naturally in cheddar cheese, egg yolks, fish and fortified foods. Conversion of retinol to retinoic acid and retinal happens in the body and is necessary for releasing the health benefits of retinol. Retinol is currently on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines as a vitamin A supplement for individuals with vitamin A deficiency.
5 Fascinating Facts About Retinol for Skin Care
1. Retinol is a Topical Keratolytic
Keratolytics are topical agents formulated to soften keratin, a structural protein found in your skin and hair. Although keratin is essential for skin and hair health, it can prevent exfoliation of skin cells. Applying retinol cream to skin helps loosen skin cells for exfoliation purposes by inhibiting keratin activity. In addition, retinol's keratolytic properties improve your skin's ability to retain moisture, giving skin a softer, more supple appearance. Retinol cream is also used to treat acne, psoriasis and other keratosis skin conditions.
2. Retinol is a Powerful Anti-aging Topical
Retinols have been clinically proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, crow's feet and uneven skin tones after 10 to 12 weeks of nightly use. Retinol helps keep skin looking more youthful and lustrous because of its demonstrated ability to stimulate production of collagen, retain moisture and increase new cell growth through continual exfoliation.
3. Retinol Reduces Pore Size
Aging, sun damage and acne are primary causes of unattractively large pores. Sagging skin due to aging will naturally enlarge pore openings, while sun damage makes pores look larger due to causing skin cells to accumulate around pores. Although retinol can't help people with genetically large skin pores, it can shrink pores that have enlarged for other reasons. Nightly application of topical retinol can help shrink pores by preventing dead skin cells and oil from clogging pores while keeping skin hydrated and healthy.
4. Retinol Can Be Applied Anywhere on the Body
Topical retinol is not just for reducing signs of aging on facial skin. . You can apply retinol anywhere on the body where dry skin, unwanted wrinkles and keratosis exists. However, dermatologists recommend not using retinol on the mouth due to lip skin being thinner and more sensitive than regular skin. Retinol's exfoliating effects could irritate and inflame lips.
5. Topical Retinol May Help Manage Mild to Moderate Acne Outbreaks
Studies indicate that topical retinols are effective and well-tolerated as a treatment for inflammatory acne. Unlike other acne medications that tend to increase skin dryness and flaking, retinol promotes moisture retention while shrinking pore size to decrease oil secretion.
What Else Should You Know About Retinols?
Since topical retinol continuously exfoliates skin by removing dead skin cells, it will leave your skin more vulnerable to UV radiation. When applying retinol nightly, remember to protect your skin by wearing sunscreen or a broad-brimmed hat during the day. Leaving retinol-treated skin unprotected in sunlight may cause your skin to redden, become irritated or sunburned quickly.
Some people may experience temporary side effects from retinol, such as itchiness, redness or peeling skin. In most cases, side effects improve once your skin becomes accustomed to retinol. This may take anywhere from two to four weeks.
Interested in learning more about retinol? Call Reflections Chicago Med Spa today and ask about one of the newest and best retinol products that we sell--Alastin Skincare Products. We know you will be amazed at the results you see after using Alastin's line of revolutionary skincare serums and lotions!